Connect With Alpha Center

There are so many ways to stay connected and interact with Alpha Center. Read about requests, getting updates, and more you can get to support our mission. You can fill out the form below to make a request, and we’ll get back to you shortly.

Church Involvement

Alpha Center receives support from many surrounding churches throughout the year. Whether it be through financial gifts, sending volunteer groups to our center, hosting an Alpha Center speaker, running a Diaper Derby Campaign, lifting up the Alpha Center in prayer or preaching messages that promote the sanctity of life, we are grateful for how each church shows their involvement. We also have free Sanctity of Human Life bulletin inserts that are available upon request all year long. 

Sanctity of Human Life

Prayer Support

The Alpha Center understands that our services would not be possible without the prayer support of countless individuals. We understand the great necessity of having prayer partners within the community, as well as having the opportunity for staff to pray for those individuals. 

Request A Speaker

One of the best ways Alpha Center can inspire and educate others about our work is through sending our staff and volunteers to speak in the community on behalf of the Alpha Center. Our speakers are able to travel to your location, set up an Alpha Center booth and speak to the group about the Alpha Center’s ministry. 

Request A Tour

One of the best ways the Alpha Center can inspire and educate others about our work is by inviting individuals and groups into our center for a tour and the opportunity to meet our staff. 

Request Updates

The Alpha Center periodically sends out updates by both e-mail and traditional mail. These updates allow the Alpha Center to share client, volunteer and donor testimonies, stories and pictures from past events, upcoming events and our center’s current needs. We hope these updates inspire readers and educate them on the life-saving work of Alpha Center. 

Children’s Message Bundles

Are you a pastor, parent, or Sunday School teacher looking for a great tool to help share the power of the pro-life message with children? Check out Alpha Center’s Children’s Message Bundles! Each packaged bundle includes a read-aloud kids brochure, a Changelope, a model of a 12-week old unborn baby, a sticker and a LifeSaver mint.

Join The Birthday Club

Once a year, every year, everyone you know has a birthday. On your birthday, someone will remember you, perhaps even give you a card or gift. By joining the Birthday Club, your birthday could become even more special. There’s no better time to remember the precious unborn and give thanks for life than on your own birthday! On your birthday, we will send a birthday card with an envelope for a gift to the unborn. You can sign up your family members too.

Fill Out Our Form

Fill out this form below, check the boxes for how you’d like to interact with us, and leave a short message.

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